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Six Month Smiles

Six Month Smiles Cosmetic Braces
6 month smiles cosmetic braces

Straight teeth

Less time

Clear braces for adults


" I always cover my mouth to hide my teeth when I laugh, smile or talk"


" I hate having my photo taken"


"People always tell I look grumpy or moody because I never smile"


"I'm ashamed of my smile" 


You are not alone if you can relate to any of the above statements, in fact you are like one of millions of adults who are unhappy, self-conscious or embarassed about their smile because of crowding, gaps or misaligned teeth. Being self-conscious of your teeth can affect your whole personality, job prospects and relationships. 


Would you love to improve your smile but do you feel stuck because you do not want to wear adult metal braces for years or are concerned that you may need teeth removed, or that it is too expensive?


At Your Smile Clinic Manchester we believe that everyone deserves to smile with confidence, and we are delighted to offer Six Month Smiles cosmetic braces to straighten your teeth discreetly and quickly and help you achieve the smile you've always wanted. 


What is Six Month Smiles?


Six Month Smiles® an effective, safe and affordable cosmetic braces solution for adults that fits your lifestyle.


Why should I choose Six Month Smiles?


There is little debate that braces are the most widely used and effective method to give patients straight, healthy teeth and a beautiful smile. Braces provide the most conservative and predictable cosmetic result (compared to veneers and crowns). Six Month Smiles®  is a short term orthodontic treatment with a modern twist on traditional braces.  Six Month Smiles has taken the best aspects of braces and modified the treatment and the materials to give you a cosmetic solution that fits your lifestyle. 


What makes Six Month Smiles different?


  • Six Month Smiles uses Lucid-Lok® clear brackets and tooth-colored wires are barely visible making them a fantastic discreet brace. In photos they are hardy noticeable.

  • You don't need to wear braces for 2 years, as most cases are completed in only six months.

  • The treatment is short and uses low overall forces to straighten to the teeth therefore minimising discomfort, and increasing safety and hygeine

  • Six Month Smiles is typically less expensive than traditional braces, clear aligner therapy or veneers


I am interested in Six Month Smiles cosmetic braces, what do I do next?


  • Book an appointment for a free cosmetic consultation at Your Smile Clinic by calling 0161 327 2878 

  • The dentist will have an informal chat with you about what you're unhappy with, and see if Six Month Smiles is right for you, and you can ask the dentist any other questions you have about the treatment.


Do you offer finance for Six Month Smiles treatment?


Yes, we have many flexible payment plans available, making Six Month Smiles treatment affordable. 



Call us today on 0161 3272878 to book your initial consultation 











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